Lombok Surf Spots

 In Lombok Travel

Lombok surf spots and Lombok itself are known for being a Paradise for surfers. Many people around the world choose Lombok for its incredible waves, warm and clear water, for the tropical weather all year long and because it is possible to surf in less crowded breaks than in Bali. The most favorable surf breaks are located along the south coast. For this reason, you can find most surf camps in this area of Lombok. Below, we list 8 surf breaks where you can find out the essentials of the best surf spots in Lombok that attract surfers of every level.



This is a stunning long white sandy beach break very popular among tourists due to the clear crystal turquoise water. Located 30 minutes’ drive west from Kuta Lombok, this spot is perfect for first time surfers and beginners because the waves are mellow and there’s no reef. Perfect for practicing taking off technique and balance control in a safe and enjoyable environment. It works all year long and it is better to surf during high tide. The beach is also suitable for swimming, with a vast amount of shops (Warungs) it is a perfect place to spend a day in the beach. Reachable by car or motorbike with parking fee to be paid upon arrival.




A bay located 20 minutes driving to the east of Kuta Lombok. This gorgeous beach has white sand which make it perfect for swimming and for sunset watching. It has an easy access by car or motorbikes, thus, expect parking fee. Additionally, there are several shops (warungs) where people may spend some time eating local food, having some coconut drinks or just chilling out.

The surf break is in the middle of the bay where surfers can paddle in (10 minutes) or take one of the boats that provide transport service to the break (Rp 50.000 per person). The break has a reef bottom and the waves break to right and left. Ideal for beginners and intermediate surfers so expect big crowds always. However, with the proper swell conditions it may throw big waves for more experienced surfers. This spot works most time of the year and it is recommended to surf in mid to high tide or high to mid tide only. It gets pretty shallow in low tide.



This is a fishing village located 25 minutes east Kuta Lombok. It has a huge inlet bay with 4 surf breaks from easy mellow waves to more challenging point breaks. All these breaks are accessible by boat only. The local fishermen in the harbor provide boat transport to the breaks at a cost of Rp 50.000 per person with minimum 3 persons per boat.

Don Don Spot

The first one is called “DON DON”. This spot is in the middle of the bay and closest to the harbor. This is a fun mellow A-frame wave with reef bottom that works only with big swells (5-7 ft.). Intermediate and beginners prefer this wave because has an easy take off that breaks to left and right. It could get crowded when is working. Best for surf in mid tide and when is no wind.

Kiddies Spot

The second break is called “KIDDIES” which is a fun right-hand reef break that as well as DON DON. It works during big swells only (7-8 ft.). With its nice shape for taking off, this break is suitable for every surfing level but it is preferred by beginners and intermediates. Nevertheless, with the right conditions it may through some nice shaped barrel waves.

Gerupuk Inside

The third spot is “GERUPUK INSIDE”, situated in the very east corner of the bay. This is one of the most popular Lombok right hand wave due to the gentle, easy take off and long rides. The wave is perfect for those who want to improve their surfing abilities such as turning, speeding up and taking off. However, expect a lot of beginners from different surf schools and surf camps in the shoulder trying to catch their first waves. The bottom consists in a mix of coral and sand which is pretty much harmless. Hence, GERUPUK INSIDE is great for surfers of all levels so expect big crowds when is on. Good in any tide when is no wind and it gets better during wet season.

Gerupuk Outside

The fourth wave’s name is “GERUPUK OUTSIDE” located on an outer reef of the bay. This is a challenging point break where surfers prefer it when there are small swells. It is a massive, heavy, fast and more hollowed wave that breaks on a big drop outside the Gerupuk bay. It is a right hand wave with many peaks that separate the crowd. Advanced and more experienced surfers choose this spot but you can find intermediate surfers when is small. Recommended to surf during mid or high tide when there is no wind and as well as GERUPUK INSIDE, it gets better during wet season.



Amazing little bay located 15 minutes west from Kuta. There are 2 surf spots here: a right hand point break known as one of the best right-hand wave in south Lombok and a steep left hander wave. You can reach both breaks by boat or by paddling out (boat fee is Rp 50.000 per person). In addition, there is a sandy beach perfect for swimming for those who don’t surf.

This spot is popular among advance and experienced surfers during big swells because the waves required a quick take off. They are big, powerful and hollow with long walls and barreling sections on low tides. However, you may find intermediate and beginner surfers when there are small swells.

AIR GULING works better during wet season where a lot tourists come for holidays. Furthermore, expect strong current always, especially in the left hander wave. This wave breaks over a reef´s shelf while the right hander breaks as a point with a steep inside section. Both waves offer an ample time and space for practicing manoeuvres, both are tide dependent and notable for their fast and peeling shoulders which on occasion pitch to open hollow sections. Lastly, AIR GULING works best at 4-6 feet, but it can hold up to 8-10 feet under perfect conditions and it works better from low to mid tide or mid to low tide.



This is one of the most popular Lombok surf spots among local surfers from Kuta. Here is held the “BAU NYALE” festival every year along with local surf competitions. The location is in the same Kuta bay. SEGER beach has one of the closest waves to Kuta Lombok, it is accessible via a short 5 minutes scooter ride or long coastal stroll from the touristy village. This very consistent and fun wave works under small swell conditions (up to 5 feet before it begins to close out), with no wind and in mid to high tide. It can get pretty shallow on low tide leaving SEGER beach along with the reef dry. Moreover, there are a lot of sea urchins. Nevertheless, lower mid tides promote higher probability for barrels but also higher chances of hitting the reef.

This reef break provides some opportunity for time in the barrel but only under peak conditions. SEGER has two point breaks with easy access by paddling (no boat needed). The first one is a right hand wave which is fast, hollow and more powerful. Only more experienced and advance surfers prefer it due to the strong current that pulls all the time. In addition, there is a left hand side wave mellower with less current perfect for intermediate and beginners surfers when is working. Works all year long but better during wet season when you can expect big crowds. The best bet is to try and catch the morning or evening glass off in mid to high tides.



This is one of the most popular and challenging surf spots in Lombok. It´s the most consistent surf break on the island throughout the dry season (from May to September). It works on small and large swells with light offshore winds. Waves are usually at 6 feet but it can hold up to 10 feet (2.5 to 3 meters). MAWI is 25 minutes’ drive west from Kuta Lombok with a last 8 minutes driving a long dirt road down to the beach which could be dangerous (parking fee is payable at the entrance).

It is originally a left hander but on a small day it creates a short right hander with hollow and barreling sections. It has an A-frame break where the right can provide a quick perfect barrel that may be tucked into and pull out of before the sharp reef gets shallower on the inside. Once the waves are above overhead the right becomes non-existent and the left begins breaking further out on the reef. The left requires a fast drop and a strong bottom turn down the face to keep up with the wave down the line. Expect strong current during big swells especially at the end of the left handed wave.

MAWI works best on mid to high tide due to the sharp reef bottom and is suitable for intermediate to advanced surfers. However, it provides mellower waves on high tide for less experienced surfers. Low tide is surfable by experienced surfers only because it can be sketchy with a shallow and sharp reef. Lastly, there is a shop (warung) at the beach where people usually hang out after the session.



Located in Jalan Pantai Surga Desa Ekas Buana in the East Lombok Regency, at a 2 hours driving from Kuta Lombok. However, it is possible to take a 30 minutes boat from AWANG harbor and avoid 1.5 hours driving (boat fee may be negotiable with the local fishermen from AWANG depending on the amount of people).

EKAS is one of the few waves on the island suitable for surfers of all levels. It is a great place for surf trips or holidays trips. This break refers to two different surf spots: EKAS INSIDE and EKAS OUTSIDE.

Ekas Inside

Inside EKAS or EKAS INSIDE is a friendly and gentle mellow wave which is great for beginners and intermediate surfers and works on all tides. As the tide goes low, the wave becomes a wide peak breaking left and right. Right handed waves are usually a bit more walled and break faster, while the left handed one tends to go over a long stretch of reef. Both waves offer an easy drop and take off into a long wall great for trying of manoeuvres. This inside wave tends to break year round but expect ideal conditions with decent sized south-west swell and south-east wind.

Ekas Outside

Outside EKAS or EKAS OUTSIDE is a steep hollow wave that breaks at the base of a cliff face. Ideally for more experienced surfers who want to improve their skills. Unlike its sister INSIDE EKAS, south-east swell is best as it bends in and hits the reef properly sending some heavy and hollow waves down the reef. South-west and WSW swells also allow plenty of fun waves, just not quite as hollow. Too much west in the swell can cause a bump and crumble which will send snowball sections in front of your barrel line. Breaks best on a high tide with overhead conditions.
EKAS is generally consistent and people can surf it all year long. However, the peak season is between April and November. Finally, there is a small white sandy beach close to the inside break where people normally go to swim, relax and watch the sunset.



Located on Lombok’s Southwest peninsula 3 hours’ drive away from Kuta, this makes it perfect for a Lombok surf trip. DESERT POINT is known as one of the best left handed barrel waves of the world (around 20 second barrel ride with the perfect conditions). This is a very challenging wave especially when there are pristine conditions. It is only recommended for advanced and pro surfers due to the shallow reef which is in the bottom.

On the other hand, this break is extremely inconsistent. It breaks on the largest groundswells on lower tides, when the tide fills in the perfect hollow wave simply disappears.

Despite this inconvenient, DESERT POINT is a fast hollowed wave. With a deep take off and a quick exit from the tube that appears in the last section.


Overall, South Lombok has a vast variety of surf spots to discover which makes this place a travel destiny in Indonesia for all surfers who want to ride these marvelous waves. In fact, Kuta Lombok has been receiving tourist since many years ago, tourists who are willing to explore this magical island where us, DHM Surf Camp, we are prepared to take you to discover those unbelievable spots along with some of the local culture to deliver you an unforgettable time and make the best of your holiday here in this Indonesian paradise.

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  • Briansib

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  • Briansib

    Especially enlightening, look onward to returning.

    • Sari

      Thanks ! See you in Lombok!

  • JamesPhota

    I enjoy the information on your website. Thank you!

    • Sari

      Thanks! See you in lombok!